Download Javascript Hack

(unlike to Chris Pederick's 'Web Developer' extension who globally disables javascript) For example, disable javascript on not disable js on Shortcut Windows Alt+Shift+Q Mac Command+Shift+Q The default shortcut can be customized in chrome://extensions/shortcuts Works with Chrome 16+ FR Quick Javascript.

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From the course: Ethical Hacking with JavaScript

From the course: Ethical Hacking with JavaScript

Ethical JavaScript hacking

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- [Manny] Have you ever wondered how vulnerable your web site or application is? Are you a JavaScript developer with little to no experience in hacking or security measures? If you've answered yes to either of these questions, you've come to the right place. In this course, my objective is to provide you with reconnaissance and security tools. This will give you the skills to assess common security threats. You'll also learn how to anticipate threats and improve your security awareness in order to reduce how vulnerable your JavaScript code might be. Hi, I'm Manny Henri and security is always top of mind when I build new applications, and it would be my pleasure to show you how to hack into your own code. First, we'll get started with a few basic terms and the difference between white hat and black hat hacking. Then we'll move on to do some reconnaissance of your code with a few tools. And finally, we'll cover the most common threats, what they look like and what to look for. So, if you're ready to increase the security of your JavaScript code, rev up your engines and let's get started.

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The best way to learn a new programming language is to learn by doing. Learn some useful JavaScript functions in less than 30 minutes by trying out these scripts on your favorite website(s). This walkthrough is good for beginners. No fancy setup, just you, the browser, and the terrifying yet beautiful programming language that is JavaScript.

STEP 0: Open the dev tools console.

If you are using..
View → Developer → Developer Tools and then click the Console tab

Tools > Web Developer > Toggle Tools and the Console tab should already be open

You will be copying and pasting the code below into the browser’s console and then hitting the enter key. I encourage you to play around and modify the code as you go through these 5 hacks. All these hacks are using vanilla JavaScript (aka no jQuery).

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1. Learn to use JavaScript’s alert() function

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Sometimes used in debugging, alert() will pop up a small dialogue box in the browser. Go ahead and modify the code below to include your own message. (Don’t worry, you are the only one who will see this dialog box, you aren’t actually hacking the website!)

2. Use Math.random() to give everything different orientations

By selecting the div, p, span, img, a, and body tag(s) and using Math.random() you can give everything on the page random orientations, producing a very entertaining effect!

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Something is not quite right here…

3. Use .style to implement hacker colors

Download Javascript Hacking

Learn how to change CSS with Javascript using .style. Feel free to modify this script to the font color, family and background-color of your choosing.

Example below of “hacking” twitter

4. Change all <img> tags to have cat pictures

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This script selects all of the images on the page and adds a new src tag. Modify this script by adding a link to your favorite photo (you can use the Cat API for all your cat picture needs).

5. Set a booby trap with setTimeout

Use JavaScript’s setTimeout function so that the script inside of this function will not run until the user hovers over the web page for 5 seconds. You can wrap any of the hacks we’ve done here in this set of functions to create the same effect. This particular script will turn the web page upside down.

I hope you have fun with these JavaScript hacks! Hacks #2, #4, and #5 are from Codebox so definitely take a look at their other pranks.

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